Donation 102 Announcement – Portugal, September

Associação Nacional de Futebol de Rua

See below for details of the presentation timing and whereabouts.

It seems like just yesterday that the 100th and 101st donations took place and we are very pleased to confirm details of YOUR 102nd consecutive donation since 2003.

‘Associação Nacional de Futebol de Rua’ is a non-governmental, non-profit organization, whose aim is to use Street Football to provide a range of social support policies to children/young adults and are funded almost exclusively by the public.

Your donation will be used to help run various social sports activities related to street football and will also include study support sessions for the children. They are also looking to fund a study room, new computers, new sports equipment and provide funds for sports camp expenses – all so they can help the children to break free from the social isolation of their vulnerable neighbourhood.

Their motto is – “WE ARE ALL ONE! I AM BECAUSE WE ARE!”

We really like the idea of using football as a way to help children, having previously donated to similar projects in other countries and we know the positive legacy this brings.

Presentation Details

It will take place on Sunday 8th of September, 1445 for 1500, at the recipients venue in Bairro Padre Cruz – full address is:
Associação Nacional de Futebol de Rua
Rua de Barcelona, nº 133 Cave
1600-301 Lisboa

There are some more details in the picture below, including the location compared to the Scotland match that evening (1945 ko).

Hope to see you there!

Associação Nacional de Futebol de Rua

Here are a few bullet points from their website of the type of groups and activities they’re involved with (courtesy of Google Translate):


* Children and young people, especially those in situations of social vulnerability, and their families;
* Migrant communities;
* People at risk or in situations of poverty/social exclusion/discrimination;
* People affected by other persistent social problems;
* Social economy organizations;
* Companies and public sector.

Main areas of activity

* Develop the sport of Street Football as a strategy for social, pedagogical and cultural intervention in promoting human development and social inclusion;
* Promote social inclusion and develop preventive and combat strategies against poverty and social exclusion;
* Promote intercultural dialogue and unity among peoples;
* Promote healthy lifestyles and access to sports;
* Promote social change, empowerment and human development

The presentation is planned to take place in Lisbon, early afternoon on matchday (the match is an evening KO), with full details of where/when to be shared as soon as we have them. As ever, we’d love to have YOU at YOUR donation!
